Flash forward as an adult... I studied cosmetology to work on my self confidence . I worked in the beauty industry for 12 years and realized, this isn't me and that beauty is beyond the surface. I did however, learn how to style my hair for once and become "pretty" LOL. One day while working as a brow specialist I emptied out my work stations trash bin. Staring at the daily 3 pounds of single-use trash I had accumulated, I had an epiphany! Feeling awful to have created so much waste for the sake of beauty and yearning for more meaning in life, I vowed to figure out what that was for myself . I quit my job of 8 years with no plan b ( I don't recommend) but of course it was the best decision for myself. Becoming free of the matrix, I went back to my first LOVE, which is art. I've had many jobs and always would revert back to what I was good at, that is taking something broken and making it new again . Giving trash a second chance at life .